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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by hiigarar 27th October 2011, 23:32

Every History of the Hiigaran Nations will start at the date of the first Pre-Hijaran States setteling the region. Confederacy has 16 members and Subjects : Albion Slavic Republic (Pizen), Murak Republic (Noviji Port), Titanovo Republic (Belogoria), Stronghold-Kushan Empire (Tzargrad), Seranto Oblast (Grozen), Argindian Republics (Argos), Malden Republic (Vergus), United States of Everon (Fort Nikolai), Melkian Empire (Geiko), Najma Sultanite (Teremagma), Republic of Acirifia (Kartoba), Genosha Community (Il'Saju), Holy City of Yri-Laim (Yri-Laim), Republic of Asmara (Asmara), Holy City of Nija (Nija), Confederacy Special Zone (Konfederatisk). There are different nationalities in the confederacy, the largest are - Albionians/Slav Hijarans, Lesov Hijarans, Tatar Hijarans, Kushans, Moor Hijarans, Argindians, Titanovan Slavs and other national groups.

We will start with the Albion Slavic Republic. Largest of Slavic Nations and one of the first states to be created.

One of the first modern human bones of the age of 35 000 years was found in Argindia, in Timolavo. In prehistoric times the vast steppes of Southern Hijara were home to tribes of nomadic pastoralists. Remnants of these steppe civilizations were discovered in such places as Yriva, Jaerovo and othere which bear the earliest known traces of mounted warfare, a key feature in nomadic way of life.
In classical antiquity, the Black Sea Region was known as Scythia. Since the 8th century BC, Ancient Greek traders brought their civilization to the trade emporiums in Tanais and Phanagoria. Between the 3rd and 6th centuries AD, the Bosporan Kingdom, a Hellenistic polity which succeeded the Greek colonies, was overwhelmed by nomadic invasions led by warlike tribes. Many say that this was the first information of the Pre-Hijarans starting the invasion of the region that is now known the Hijaran Region.

The ancestors of modern Hijarans are the Pre-Hijaran tribes, whose original home is thought by some scholars to have been the Ural Region and the Volga River. The Slavic Hijarans gradually settled Hiigara in two waves - 1)Invasion of the Albonian Region and destruction of Bosporan Kingdom, 2)Going trow modern Georgia and invading the region of the Modern Melkia, Everon and Malden. From the 7th century onwards, the North Pre-Hijarans slowly but peacefully assimilated the native Finno-Ugric peoples, including the Kush (Modern Kushans), Mirovic and Tiguev.

Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Finno-ugrian-map

Originally, the name of the region of Albonia (Албония) referred to the people, the region, and the medieval states (1th to 12th centuries) of the Albion' Khaganate and Rurov Albionia' polities. The territories of the latter are today distributed among Albion Slavic Republic, Russia and Titanovo.

The modern name of Albion (Albion), which came into use in the 14th century, is derived from the Gallo-Romance Albiōn derives from the Proto-Celtic * Alb-i̯en-, sharing the same stem as Pre-Hijaran elfydd "earth, world", together with other European and Mediterranean toponyms such as Alpes and Albania has two possible etymologies, both plausible: either *albho-, a Proto-Indo-European root meaning "white" (in reference to the white southern shores)

To distinguish the medieval "Albionia" state from other states that derived from it, modern historiography calls it "Rurov Albonia'." Its predecessor, the 9th-century "Albonia Khaganate," is a somewhat hypothetical state whose existence is inferred from a handful of early medieval Byzantine and Persian/Arabic sources that mention that the Albonia' people were governed by a khagan. Even there are facts that Albionians wore mistake for Rus' and many did not see difference in the Pre-Hijaran Nations.

Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. 045
Anciet Rurov.

The establishment of the first North Hijaran states in the 1th century AD. With the creation of the Hijaran Slavic State of Albonia (Modern Albion, Titanovo and Murak). In the 4th to 6th centuries Albonia became one of the largest and most prosperous states in Europe. The reigns of Samusiem the Great (480–515) and his son Barbue I the Wise (511–554) constitute the Golden Age of Rurov Albonia, which saw the expantion of the state, war with Byzantians and fights with Kiev Rus.

Marked by constant in-fighting between members of the Titov Dynasty that ruled Albonia collectively. Albonia dominance waned, to the benefit of Serantian State, Titanovo and the Murak Republic.

Ultimately Albonia disintegrated, with the final blow being the Kiev Rus' invasion of 863, that resulted in the destruction of Rurov. The invaders demanded pay from the Alb Kingdom and tried to invade Titanovo, but failed.

Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Oborona_Kozelska
Burning of the Christian Hijaran City.

Serantian was eventually assimilated by the Magyar and Christianized, while Alb liberated it self from pay. The fight against Christianity continued as Tzar Ikoian the Bloody, burned cities that exepted Christianity. Kran'et for the first time became the main religion of the Albionia Region. Traders of Asmara and Kartoba have reached the region and started converting the population to Kran'et. The Kingdom expanded, but did not reach the richness of the Albonia Rurov. In 1021 under Uri Segesmund, Alb accepted Kran'et as it religion.

Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Mapofmos
1132 the Alb Kingdom moved its capital from Rurov, which was burned by the Kiev Prinsipality, to Pizen. Pizen at this time was known as the White City or the Third Kartoba (Kartoba - Holy City in Acirifia of Kran'et Faith).

Burning of Karabonowo.

The Mongol invasion of Alb Kingdom was resumed on 21 December 1237 marking the resumption of the Mongol invasion of Europe, during which the Mongols attacked the medieval powers of Poland, Kiev, Hungary, Alb and Melk and miscellaneous tribes of less organized peoples.
After fifteen years of peace, the Rus' invasion was followed by Batu Khan's full-scale invasion of Rus' and points east during 1237 to 1240, which only ended with a Mongol succession crisis.

The mongols invaded the regions of Alb Kingdom and burned many cities, failed to take Pizen, went eastern to Kusha and Lesov States.

Part one ended.

Last edited by hiigarar on 21st November 2011, 20:49; edited 1 time in total
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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Re: Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by ForthWall 27th October 2011, 23:36

Amazing work Smile

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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Re: Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by Blakeway4 27th October 2011, 23:47

Nice job! Laugh Is it Moskva in the last pic? Suprised
International Bigwig

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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Re: Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by hiigarar 21st November 2011, 20:48

Start of 1300
With the collapse of the old Alb Kingdom the new Albion Kingdom has risen in capital of Pizen, lossing it territories in Titanovo and Murak, which formed there own countries. At this period, hard times have started, with frequent Mongol-Tatar raids and agriculture suffering from the beginning of the Little Ice Age. Like in the rest of Europe, plagues hit Albion somewhere once every five or six years from 1350 to 1490. However, due to the lower population density and better hygiene (widespread practicing of banya, the wet steam bath), the population loss caused by plagues was not so severe as in the Western Europe.

Led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy of Moscow and helped by the Russian Orthodox Church, the united army of Russian principalities inflicted a milestone defeat on the Mongol-Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. Moscow gradually absorbed the surrounding principalities, including the formerly strong rivals, such as Tver and Novgorod. Moscow Principality started a war with Albion Kingdom and taken Rurov and held it for 20 years, but with Queen Hoslavie, the city was retaken (Even if it was fully burn down). Under the Hoslavie the regions of Titanovo and Murak, paid tribute to the Pizen.

Albion reached a influence of a great kingdom. Fighting against the Ottoman invasions of the Nija in 1474 and liberating the holy lands of Acirfia and Asmara from Venice and Ottomans. Battles with the Lithuanian-Polish Forces saved the Kushan-Lesov from Christianization. Albion saw it self as the last protector of the chosen Hijarans. The Slavic line of Segesmund has it blood in all Royal Families of Hijarans. First toughts of United Hiigara wore born in Albion with small colonies building in Argindia (Sankt Amursk, Al Garibat) and in Melkia (Gorsk)

At period of 1400-1500 the country was influenced greatly by reform of Yri Laim, in which for the first time the Kran'et Gods wore for the first time written down and Sajuuk became the highest god. Western european culture has influenced the start of new music and architecture. In Pizen you can see more of "Western Temples" then in Titanovo which has only 2 or 3 temples in western style. The medieval Albion was ending

Medieval Foreign views on AIN Nations
Cattala - Cattala was one of the first AIN countries to be in contact with Hiigara. Cattalian Traders lived in Pizen as early as 1143 (Book of Foreigners) and even one of the districts still has the name of Celestinov (The House of Celestine which ruled in Cattala). Cattalians Traders influenced arts and architecture of Albion. Queen Hoslavie even had a Cattalian Magician near her at all time. But no real political contact wore made between the two countries at this time. Cattalians even build closed trading districts in Nogovicka, Asmara and other cities. Conflicts arisen with Cattalian when they tried to Christianize the city of Morskaja Gora, but failed and 53 Cattalians wore killed. But thanks to the Cattalians the Renaissance reached the Hiigarans, with Greek works being translated by Cattalian Trader Frederick Malvari.

Syldavia - Syldavians are a special part of story for Albion. In the period of expantion of Moscovite Rus' came the first contact with the Pelican Empire. The shock of seeing white men in a mostly asian countries, made many believe that Syldavians are of Hijaran origins and are the lost tribe of Pre-Hijarans that went to the North. "This people have the same look, the same ideas and the same government as Hijarans. Why did Sajuuk send there leader north? Has he made him drunk or just made the Syldavians lost?" Even in 1910, there wore books written that Syldavians are actually of Pre-Hijaran Origins and are Brothers of the Slavic Hijarans, but forgot the real god. Sadly there wore no findings of Kran'etian Temples of any of Hijaran origins.

Renaissance Albion
1500-1700. Cities of Pizen and Nogovicka entered a new age of Renaissance is splender. Under Oleg IV, the great construction projects wore started in Nogovicka and Pizen. Nogovicka a mostly trading city, became a center of arts and knowledge, with first Albion University being opened in Nogovicka. The kings of this period seen Pizen as a city of all old and not needed, with old mercent families demanding more in the Tzar Duma. While Nogovicka was a city of pro-tzar aristocracy and of new european way of life. There wore even rumars that Oleg IV converted to Christianity, but there wore no real evidence for this.

Kran'et started changing with "Reforms of the Household", the reforms wore to clean the religion of so called "Dead Gods" which no one believed in and for the first time to gather all the Hijaran Kran'etians in Yri Laim (Creation of the First Council of 16 and elections of the Sajuuk-Khar). Also for the first time wore written all holy cities of Kran'et - Nija, Kartoba, Yri-Laim.

The Period of Renaissance in Albion, saw the cretion of the first Theater Plays like the "Gods Nights" telling the story of a rich man going to Kartoba and doing good to the communities. Music seen the rise of european influences and of the expantion from only "Dance Music" and "Kran'etian Prayer" to also to the new "Love Songs" and the "Beauty of Nature and Gods". Architecture saw huge constructions of public buildings in Nogovicka and Pizen, with Temples of Sajuuk of Pizen being constructed in the Italian Style (Will be shown in the next update of Pizen Update) and the University of Fine Arts being build by Cattalian Architecture.

At this period the Albion Kingdom even tried to colonize the new world with Colony of "Noviji Pizen", but sadly it was more a scam then reallity. Small villages wore asked for money and when a huge sum of money wore gathered and a ship both, half of money wore taken and a person in command went to Russia. The mission it self was a disaster with Noviji Pizen being founded in North America, with population of 500. The Town soon had problems with sikness and the town soon being abandoned, in fears that Spanish will take the town. Only 12 people returned back to Nogovicka, only to be executed for treason.

The monarchy of this period got out of hand with lavish palaces being build in Pizen and near Nogovicka (Around 19 palaces wore build in Nogovicka by every Tzar that ruled from 1500-1700. The Golden Tzar - Antonio Segesmund (Mother Italian) (1695-1732) was one of the most influential Tzars that influenced the Hiigaran History. Under his rule the Albion Kingdom started invading Kushan-Lesov Empire, Forces landed in Kartoba and for 12 years Sajuuk Khar the 17 was demanded to live in Nogovicka. Sankt Amursk was expanded and became one of the most important ports in all of Hiigara. Under his rule Nogovicka expanded and became the center of Albion Trading Empire. He tried to send 4 missions to North America and to India, which all failed. Under his rule the greater influence got the rich aristocracy of Nogovicka, which greatly influenced the King.

Under his son Rule Igor Segesmund the IV the capital was de-facto moved to Nogovicka from Pizen. "The dirty city of Pizen, with it old rules is just depressing, i must go away to my palace of Wislavka."

The collapse of the golden age of the enlightenment was with the Igor leaving the capital to live in Nogovicka. With this he lost any real control in power. The Duma that he gathered in Nogovicka was mostly of aristocrats that had no real influence over the country. The Pizen Duma started having more influence and being the only real power, started demanding more rights from the king and soon even started demanding that King exchange some of his powers for simple life in Nogovicka. But Igor refuesed and send military to end the Pizen Duma. But the duma survived and proclaimed Pizen and half of the country "Republic of Albion".

Nogovicka for two weeks was a different coutry. While the Republican Forces wore gathering the King moved the Over Sea Troops to protect the city. With 1748 Revolution started the city of Nogovicka was sieged and the King was given by the Nogovicka Duma to the Revolutionary Forces.

Albion Republic after the revolution lost almost all colonial possetions and the leader possitions. While Argindia Kingdom and Kushan Lesov Empire expanded its rule. Sankt Amursk the Golden Gates of Hiigara fallen to the Argindians.

The Albion Republic started expanding it trade and tried to defend it borders. The period see a creation of the middle class and expantion of the public constructions. With expanding of roads and building of first fully public hospitals. First Duma in Pizen gave only rights of vote to men of age from 25, with land or those that pay taxes.

End of Part II next part Albion First Republic 1749-1811. Second Republic 1815-1951. Third Republic 1953 - 2011.
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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Re: Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by SmartbyLaw 21st November 2011, 21:52

A nice detailed history once again cons, nice work!
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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Re: Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by Thomas 22nd November 2011, 18:42

What a great history - and including Cattala and Syldavia was a splendid idea. Smile
Overlord of Eurasia

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Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2.  1800-2011 Part 3. Empty Re: Albion History - Start to 1200. Part 1. 1200-1800 Part 2. 1800-2011 Part 3.

Post by Forsma 26th November 2011, 12:40

Nice history! you should put these to wiki... or is you?
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