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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Gen. Leandro Lima
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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Vote_lcap21%Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Vote_rcap 21% 
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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Vote_lcap71%Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Vote_rcap 71% 
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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Vote_lcap7%Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Vote_rcap 7% 
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Total Votes : 14
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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Spy9600 4th May 2010, 23:43

Application for Atlantic Federation to join the Alliance of Independent Nations.
The other 2 islands members of the federation decided to join the AIN with the main island, forcing the country to assume its international name: Atlantic Federation.

National Flag:
Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Atlant10
National Coat of Arms:
Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Coat_o13
Location: (Please select text if you can't read the yellow ones.)
Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Atlant11

Map Colors:Cyan: Ilha dos Libertadores/Liberators Island|Yellow: Northern Atlantis Island|Green: Southern Atlantis Island (Nova Lisboa/New Lisbon)
(Fact File colors: Atlantic Federation,Liberators Island,Northern Atlantis Island,New Lisbon - Changed)
National FactFile:
Nation Name (Longest Official Form): Federation of the United Countries of Atlantic - or - Atlantic Federation (Most Used)
Nation Name (Native Form): Ilha dos Libertadores, Nova Lisboa, Atlantis, Países Atlânticos/Atlantic Countries
National Anthem: ---
National Motto: "With the People, For the People, By the People"(Goverment). "Freedom, Justice and Union"(Popular)
Capital: Libertantes (Liberators City) - Federation and Liberators Island|Atlantis|Nova Lisboa (New Lisbon)
Government: Special Democratic Republic ( 1 President + 8 People's Counselors + 3 Supreme Hornor Counselors + Legislative and Judiciary sectors.) - NOTE: The Goverment form was taken from the Federation, that justify the fact of one president (for the whole Federation) and 3 supreme counselors (for each of the 3 countries)
Head(s) of State: Leonard Coinns - President, Elisa Crown (S.H.C.), Marcos Santos (S.H.C.), Steve Larmore (S.H.C.).
Offical Language(s): Portuguese, English.
Population: 32.320.600
842,320Km² ( 390.198 sq Miles) (Based on Turkey)
Climate: Tropical, Atlantic, Temperate (North)
GDP ($ - Per Capita): USD$4.9 Trillion (Country) USD$ 39.236 (Per Capita)
HDI: 0.972 (2009)
Drives on the: Right
Internet TLD: .afc
Telephone Code: +550
Note: The data is updated since the statistics taken were the federation's one since the begining.
Additional Information:
Independence: 26.09.1894
HDI Historic:
Before the Revolution:
0,532 - 1960 Med
0,549 - 1965 Med
0,601 - 1970 Med
0,555 - 1985 Med
0,696 -1990 Med
0,863 - Democratic Revolution - 1994 (Often called :"Liberatish Renaiscense") High
0,900 - 1999 High
0,972 - 2009 Very High (0.930 +)
Currency: Atlantic Pound -(1 AP$ = 2.15 USD), Libertos (Alternative for the Liberators Island also accepted by the federation for inner trade) (One LBT$ = 1.65 USD)
History of the Country's Name:
Ilha dos Santos do Mar das Américas - Portuguese firsts name. 1520.
Mercy Island. -English name after the England capture of the island in 1730.
Veratlantic Island - Native name after the Independence. 1894.
Republic of the Brave-lion's Liberators - Post revolutionary name. 1994. Lucca and Jonas were known as the liberators of the Brave Lion, nickname of the general Leonard Revanger. The general was found dead in the prision after he was captured by the Dictatorial forces. He died of starvation in the prision. Furious, Lucca Coinns and Jonas Keln along with the people's revolutionary army destroyed the prision of Nova Atlantida, and, in a matter of 2 days, won the Dictator Gustav von Sverige. Therefore the country was named as Republic of the Brave Lion's Liberators, in hornor to the General, and its 2 men of greater trust. Lucca's brother is now the president.
Due to its special republic model, the country has the world's lowest corruption level, in other hand, the country was for many years included in the list of the the most corrupt countries in the world and its HDI levels historic shows the problem it represented for the country.
2010 -Due to the fact the country will join the AIN with its 2 neighborns, the country oficially turned into the the Atlantic Federation.
Here is the wining video made by John Arian (Liberators City - FD) and selected by the Goverment. "Liberators Country: AIN's newest country, vote YES!". Thats what he said after he won, in television :"Hell, I hope they can wait until the video is fully loaded!". Yes, it was funny.

The Content of this video shows only the Liberators Island.

(The Video surely includes more than 7 pics that were already accepted)
More Pics: (Terrain and Water Mods closer view for confirmation)
Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Nova_i10
Storm at Atlantic Montains
Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Montes10
World's highest official federal road.

Omg can't wait until you decide... :shock:

Last edited by Neil on 10th May 2010, 18:57; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Double posting - please use the edit button...)

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Age : 29 Male

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by ForthWall 5th May 2010, 00:04

Even though I am not even a Jr member, I think your flag is to complex and you double posted

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Aleks 5th May 2010, 00:18

Cool, ah YouTube vid. havnt seen one of thous since my application. very good though. three things though:

1) You might want to use the rhw mod
2) Get some custom parks! That will make that park section in your city looks so much better!
3) You need to get a custom terrain and water mod. they will accent your cities very well
High Commissioner

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Age : 29 Male

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Spy9600 5th May 2010, 00:25

I've got a custom terrain and a custom water mod right now.
PEG Brigantine Water Mod
PEG Dark Basalt Trees and Rocks
(I can't find a terrain mod that works...)
Im also having the classical problem that custom buildings never get lit.
(The second flag is on my signature...)

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Age : 29 Male

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Guest 5th May 2010, 00:29

Try CP's at LEX.

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Aleks 5th May 2010, 01:36

High Commissioner

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Spy9600 5th May 2010, 02:15

Yes, Im working on it. 👍
I shall release some pics so that you all can have a better look at it.
Liberators Country | AIN 2010 Membership Campaing
:blowup: VOTE YES! :blowup:

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Age : 29 Male

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Aleks 5th May 2010, 02:18

hey, admins, could y'all "poll" this Laugh
High Commissioner

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Cyclone-1001 5th May 2010, 02:20

aleksfacco wrote:hey, admins, could y'all "poll" this Laugh

You just made my day!

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Age : 29 Male

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Liberater444 6th May 2010, 02:31

okay okay. Please settle down. I understand your excitement, but please don't tell us how to vote Cheeky/Razz

Oh, and please understand that I am honored to have my own country, other than the Tirnreich. Laugh

Here's my evaluation:
Flag: Could be simplified I agree. Try a tri colour style, like France.
Ambassador At Large

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Neil 6th May 2010, 14:58

# A minimum of seven in-game pictures of your nation
# A unique and realistic flag of your nation
# A unique and realistic coat of arms for your nation
# A map of your nation's location that does not overlap with an existing AIN nation and is realistic to your CJ style
# A type of government that again matches your CJ style
# A realistic size and population of your nation
# A reasonable ratio of custom content to maxis provided content, as that there is little repetition and a constant style of architecture
# The Network Addon Mod (NAM)

Overall, I like this a lot - a there has been lots of effort put into the video and the majority of your facts and history are realsitic enough.
A poll will be posted once another senior member does the supplementary checklist.
The one thing I would improve is your nation name, I poerosnally dislike it and think it should be changed -a lthough this is entirely up to you,

I have also added a direct youtube link as for some reason embedded videos don't come up in my broswer and this may be the case with others. I will also upload your nation on the new map which was produced just after you posted this.
Chargé d'Affaires

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Kevin 6th May 2010, 15:09

How come its so big on the map? Hong Kong is bigger by 300+sq km...
Prime Minister

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Guest 6th May 2010, 16:00

aleksfacco wrote:did you download the CPT Terrains?
It's one of two dependency for the mods like Olympic, Columbus etc. The mods can be downloaded at LEX.

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by MiguelLeal 6th May 2010, 17:47

Yes, one of the best bids that I have seen in my SC live!
Are you Portuguese or Brazilian!

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Aranho 7th May 2010, 16:13

I won't decide on my vote yet until I get to see pics of your country.

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Spy9600 7th May 2010, 22:14

- A new flag will be posted;
- Will try to show a bit more of the country with pics only; 👍
- I will reconsider the name and post a new one soon following Neils suggestion (In portuguese, this name sounds excellent, but I also think that in English it sounds a bit strange or bad. Will think in another one that fits best in both languages.)

PS: I'm Brazilian and the original name was in Portuguese. That's a translation, but translations sometimes changes things too much.

Thank you all for the suggestions.


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Age : 29 Male

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Gen. Leandro Lima 8th May 2010, 01:38

Bem vindo eu sou brasileiro tamben :!!:
Agora não sou o unico sul americano aqui
VC é da onde ?
Eu sou de são paulo

Welcome i am brazilian too
now i am not the only of south america
Where are you from?
I am from São paulo
Gen. Leandro Lima
Gen. Leandro Lima
On Leave

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Daniel 8th May 2010, 05:51

If it sounds good, why don't you just use the Portuguese name?
On Leave

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Guest 8th May 2010, 15:14

Forget to say, do you have any CJ/MD?

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Saathoff 8th May 2010, 18:32

Ill vote yes under 2 conditions. Country name change. Your name isnt the best. use something of your background. And i think you need a flag change. I can certainly make you a flag. Just pm what colors you want. And ill have it done today
Prime Minister

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Blakeway4 8th May 2010, 18:39

Welcome! Well the map of your location is oldy Cheeky/Razz I agree with Nate for the name change, but I think the flag is your choice. :tvhappy:
International Bigwig

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Saathoff 8th May 2010, 19:21

Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Newnation

Theres what i came up with for you
Prime Minister

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Thomas 8th May 2010, 19:47

I'm not sure the semi-Scandanavian Cross is fitting for an Atlantic nation...
Overlord of Eurasia

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Edge 8th May 2010, 21:34

The flag is fine by me...

Yes, a name change would be nice, though.
Chargé d'Affaires

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Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country) Empty Re: Approved: Junior Membership |Atlantic Federation (Old Liberators Country)

Post by Blakeway4 8th May 2010, 21:38

Great flag there Nate! Cheeky/Razz
International Bigwig

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